Kingsword Bible Study
Brother Vinny Fitzgerald, delves in to the Bible to bring you insight from God's Word, that will help you grow and develop into spiritual maturity. These lessons will help guide you and strengthen you in your relationship with the Lord. Whether you've never opened a Bible or have read it cover to cover, this podcast will inform and uplift you. Our purpose is not only for you to know and understand the Kings Word but for you to live it out in your day to day life. Philippians 4:9, tells us, "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
204 episodes
The Rod of Moses
In this episode, we look at when the Lord called Moses. We look at what the Lord asked him, What is that in your hand? He was asking him what He had right then, in the present moment. We analyze the connection that that has to today and how the...
Episode 204

Praying With Expectancy
In this episode we look at when the early church was praying for the release of Peter from prison. We see how they did the right thing in praying and in doing so continually and with urgency but then we see how although they were in the same pl...
Episode 203

Increase Our Faith
In this episode, we look at when the disciples asked the Lord to increase their faith. We look at why so many times it feels like our faith simply isn’t enough. We look at how the problem isn’t that we need more faith but that we need to use ou...
Episode 202

Would You Be Made Whole?
In this episode, we look at the man sitting by the pool of Bethesda waiting for the waters to be troubled. He’d been sick for 38 years. He was paralyzed and unable to move. We see how he was putting his faith in man and man’s ability to get him...
Episode 201

The Troubled Waters
In this episode we look at the account of the pool of Bethesda. We look at the area it was in and the name of the pool itself and how there’s a special significance in the place of the pool itself. We also look at how the angel would go down at...
Episode 200

Filled With Glory
In this episode, we look at what the Lord tells us about the restoration of His house through the prophet Haggai. First we look at the danger of dwelling on the past. Then we look at how the Lord was commanding those in the government, the chur...
Episode 199

God's House Lying Waste
In this episode we look at how in the days of the prophet Haggai the house of God was lying waste while everyone was worried about their own homes, their own substance and their own prosperity. We look at what the Lord teaches us in the prophet...
Episode 198

The Throne of Grace
In this episode we look at the Throne of Grace and how exactly we’re called to approach it. We see the difference that coming before it fearlessly, confidently and boldly makes in our obtaining of mercy and our finding of grace. We look at how ...
Episode 197

Grace for Grace
In this episode, we look at the Lord’s promise to give His people grace for grace. We look at how the curse brought us into a place of scarcity where even access to God’s superabundance of grace was cut off and we look at how God’s hand moved t...
Episode 196

On the Lord's Shoulders
In this episode, we look at the importance of God’s governing of our life on an individual level. We also look at how the government is upon His shoulder and why it’s on His shoulder specifically. We also look at what that means in our life. We...
Episode 195

Who Our Savior Is
In this episode we look at who our savior, Jesus, is. We go through what Isaiah had to say about the coming Messiah. We break down His prophecy looking at how he said he would be wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father and ...
Episode 194

Time to Come Home
In this episode, we look at the story of the Prodigal Son and how we ourselves have all been the prodigal at some point in our life. We look at the different things he lost when he decided to leave home and how we lose the same things when we d...
Episode 193

In the Spirit
In this episode we look at the importance of being in the spirit, especially when we go to church. We look at John’s experience when he was in the spirit on the Lord’s day and how the things he experienced should be the same things we experienc...
Episode 192

Finding Joy & Hope Again
In this episode we look at how the Church is in desperate need of having its joy restored. With its joy restored its strength will be restored as well. Once we have joy, even and especially during the hard times of life, we’ll find that, that j...
Episode 191

The Years The Locust Ate
In this episode, we look at God’s promise of restoration for His people. We look at how He told Israel that He would give them back all the years locusts ate. God is a giver and He always gives with abundance even when restoring. Sometimes this...
Episode 190

Get Thee Behind Me Satan
In this episode, we look at Jesus’ rebuke of Peter, when He said to him, ‘Get thee behind me Satan’. We look at what led up to this, why He said it and what it really meant. We also look at the one other time He used this rebuke against Satan h...
Episode 189

Blessed & Multiplied
In this episode, we look at the boy who brought the five loaves and two fish. We study his sacrifice, his ability to let go and his faith. We then look at the widow woman who gave up her last meal for Elijah and how she overcame her doubts, fea...
Episode 188

God's Pattern For Us
In this episode, we look at the pattern that God has established for all of our lives. In Romans 8, we find the pattern of foreknowledge, predestined, calling, justification and glorification. We take an in-depth look at each of these steps, wh...
Episode 187

Not Called By Works
In this episode we look at how not only are we not saved by works but how we’re also not called by works either. So many times we make arbitrary, un-biblical criteria for why we or someone else couldn’t possibly be called but that’s not how God...
Episode 186

Warfare in the Tabernacle
In this episode, we look at how we do spiritual warfare in the tabernacle, in the Church. We look at what the Lord shows us in Leviticus when dealing with the Levites and the children of Gershon. We look at the main three ways we do our warfare...
Episode 185

No Open Vision
In this episode, we look at the days of Eli the high priest and see how in his day it was a time of no open vision where the Word of God had become precious and rare. We look at how that happened, what the effects of it were and how it was reso...
Episode 184

The Single Eye
In this episode we look at what it means for our eye to be single and the importance of following this command of the Lord. We look at why God said this and what it actually means for us today. We study its connection with vision, light and oil...
Episode 183

The Mote & The Beam
In this episode, we look at Jesus’ parable about the mote and the beam and what we can learn from it for our own lives and walks of faith. We look at what exactly the mote and the beam are, what they symbolize, the differences between them and ...
Episode 182