Kingsword Bible Study
Brother Vinny Fitzgerald, delves in to the Bible to bring you insight from God's Word, that will help you grow and develop into spiritual maturity. These lessons will help guide you and strengthen you in your relationship with the Lord. Whether you've never opened a Bible or have read it cover to cover, this podcast will inform and uplift you. Our purpose is not only for you to know and understand the Kings Word but for you to live it out in your day to day life. Philippians 4:9, tells us, "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
Kingsword Bible Study
No Open Vision
Episode 184
In this episode, we look at the days of Eli the high priest and see how in his day it was a time of no open vision where the Word of God had become precious and rare. We look at how that happened, what the effects of it were and how it was resolved. We look at how Amos foretold of a famine of the hearing of the Word of the Lord and how the Church is undergoing such a famine today. We look at why God chose Samuel and raised him up to be the man for the hour to usher in a new era of restored vision for God’s people and how we can do the same for the Church today!