Kingsword Bible Study
Kingsword Bible Study
Grace for Grace
In this episode, we look at the Lord’s promise to give His people grace for grace. We look at how the curse brought us into a place of scarcity where even access to God’s superabundance of grace was cut off and we look at how God’s hand moved throughout history to free His people from the curse of scarcity and bring us back into His superabundance. We also look at what grace itself is and what it reveals to us about the God that we serve. We also look at how God’s favor was upon men and women throughout His Word and how that same favor is upon our lives today. As we enter this new year and new season of our lives it’s going to be a time of grace for grace, unmerited favor for unmerited favor, spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and gift heaped upon gift! Let’s make the choice today to receive grace from the hand of the Lord!